Holiday Recipes

Nomster Chef Gift Guide: For Kids Who Like to Cook

Nomster Chef Gift Guide: For Kids Who Like to Cook

Do you have a kitchen helper that makes you nervous when she uses a grown-up chef knife? Or a little chef who can't quite reach the counter when he wants to cook? Or kiddos that think kitchen gadgets are the most fun gift of all? Well today I present to you... (drumroll please)...The Nomster Chef Gift Guide: For Kids Who Like to Cook

Christmas Cooking with Kids: Strawberry Santa Pops

Christmas Cooking with Kids: Strawberry Santa Pops

With so much decorating, shopping, and wrapping, we sometimes forget to stop and share the seasonal spirit with our little ones through food. It can be both easy and enjoyable to make Christmas cooking with kids a part of your December plans with our Strawberry Santa Pops! 

Cookie Jar Gift DIY for Kids

Cookie Jar Gift DIY for Kids

The holidays are here (but you knew that by the early decorations before Halloween, right?)! You want to say “YEAH!,” but inside you are thinking “UGH!? What will I gift my loved ones!?” If you are like me, you want to give something that is thoughtful, yet frugal on the budget, yes? Say no more! Junior Assistant Chef Emma and I are here to rescue you from your holiday shopping dilemmas with this two for one deal - a unique gift idea and playful at home activity ALL. ROLLED. INTO. ONE! Score one for parents. High-fives all around! Read on to learn how to make this Cookie Jar Gift, a great DIY for Kids!

Christmas Recipes for Kids to Make: Broccoli Tree Appetizer

Christmas Recipes for Kids to Make: Broccoli Tree Appetizer

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! I bet your December calendar is filled with holiday parties, with little to no time to prepare something to bring to the table. It feels as though there is absolutely no time to make something that is both delicious, nutritious, and a crowd-pleaser. Sound familiar? Don't worry because we've got the perfect Christmas recipe for kids to make with our Broccoli Tree Appetizer.  

Holiday Recipes for Kids: Thanksgiving Stuffing

Holiday Recipes for Kids: Thanksgiving Stuffing

It's just the beginning of the holiday season, which comes with plenty of family, food, and fun. Why not combine all three, and get your little ones in the kitchen helping out with Thanksgiving dinner? While we aren't suggesting that your three-year-old roasts the turkey, kids can get involved in different ways. By having them help prepare a side dish, they feel as though they have made a major contribution to the meal, and they'll tell everyone at your table about how they made it. Imagine the huge smile across both their face and yours.