Family Nutrition Tips

Kids and Treats: 8 Tips for a Healthy Holiday Season

Kids and Treats: 8 Tips for a Healthy Holiday Season

Every year, October rolls around bringing with it candy corn and peanut butter cups. This then transitions into a season of pumpkin and pecan pies followed by holiday cookies. It is possible to let children enjoy the treats of the season while still maintaining their health, wellness and balance. These practical tips for a healthy holiday season can help you navigate this season of kids and treats.

Summer fun for kids: visit a farm and learn how food grows

Summer fun for kids: visit a farm and learn how food grows

Looking for excitement with Nomsters? You know soon... SCHOOL will be OUT FOR THE SUMMER?! If you are seeking summer fun for kids, try visiting a local farm. You might be surprised to learn that food and plant production engages kids in fascinating ways. Most of the youngsters know our food hits the grocery market shelves or local outdoor markets. But how does it get there? No matter how many stories or books you present to little minds, finding a farm can have substantial educational and tactile benefits in fostering healthy eating habits and food awareness. It’s also a fun family day trip!

Home Grown Ingredients: Tips for Gardening with Kids

Home Grown Ingredients: Tips for Gardening with Kids

Gardening can provide young children a new path to the kitchen leading them to new cooking skills and trying new foods. One way to “cultivate” this idea is by growing ingredients! Don't worry parents; I am not asking you to till acres of soil or purchase manure by the ton. Perhaps, it may be as simple as creating small edible patches for your children to aid in tending. With Mother's Day imminent, planting can be a family event! Anyways, plants in soil last much longer than fresh cut flowers (with regular watering of course!). Read on for our best tips on how to get gardening with kids.

National Nutrition Month: Kids and Family Nutrition

National Nutrition Month: Kids and Family Nutrition

March is National Nutrition Month and so we're celebrating the last week of March by collaborating with 4 other awesome Kids and Family Nutrition experts! Follow along all this week on Instagram to read great nutrition tips for you and your kiddos.

Ask a Nutrition Expert: Is Juice Healthy for Kids (and grown-ups)?

Ask a Nutrition Expert: Is Juice Healthy for Kids (and grown-ups)?

Is juice healthy for kids? As a certified nutrition counselor, I feel that juice should be consumed more as a treat than as a liquid to be sipped on throughout the entire day. Even juice that is labeled “100% Fruit Juice” is high in sugar, lacks fiber and has played a part in the rise of the childhood obesity epidemic.  Children can consume many calories from juice without ever feeling full due to the fact juice does not increase satiety levels (how full you feel).